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database package中文是什么意思

用"database package"造句"database package"怎么读"database package" in a sentence


  • 数据库包


  • Activex control imports the contents of the database package through the techniques of com interface and draws the graphics . the graphics can save as autocad files , and can read data from the autocad files
    系统执行的第一步是由oledb技术形成一个数据包存放于数据组件中,然后, activex控件通过组件接口技术导入数据组件里面的内容并画出图形。
  • After inputting essential geographic information to the tables of sql by the geological men , the ole db form a database package and the atl component assort the contents in the database package to data objects automatically
    系统架构主要借鉴了统一建模语言uml 、软件能力成熟度模型cmm 。本系统只要输入了必要的地质信息到sql表中,就能自动绘制图形。
用"database package"造句  
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